Wyre Forest and West Midlands

Nice to see representatives of the local Labour Party ‘out-and-about’ and exercising in the (relatively) fresh air of Bewley Road North and taking-a-breather outside the eponymously named “28.A” (so reminiscent of “221.B”).How delightful to see them observing the “rule-of-six” (as opposed to the “Sign of Four”) in these plague-ridden times .. and sporting a delightfully sartorial range of ‘de-rigueur’ face-masks. (Don’t worry, lads and lassies, we still know who you are).What a shame that their efforts to highlight their perceived ill-treatment of Wyre Forest children (though many reminiscing might say that being deprived of a school meal would have done them a favour) will have been so significantly overshadowed by the publication of the report by the Equality & Human Rights Commission accusing yesterday’s-man Jeremy Corbyn of “serious failings in leadership” of a party which “at best did not do enough to prevent anti-Semitism and, at worst, could be seen to accept it”.

One good lesson which our Wyre Forest bods could teach him (seeing as we’re on a schools-related issue) is .. how to wear a face-mask. “You stick it over your nose, too, Jerry !”Nought out of any number you care to mention. “Go to the back of the class benches!”

Here’s a ‘quickie’ .. ..“When is a bus .. not a bus ?” “I don’t know .. when is a bus .. not a bus ?”“When it’s a death-trap !”Conniston Coaches bosses have had their licenses revoked and been disqualified for 5 years for their maintenance schedules and paperwork being so dysfunctional that “the public were put at risk” (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency).The bosses’ solicitor said that “they denied forgery” for vehicles which should have been ‘safety-checked’ every 6 weeks but which hadn’t had one for 18 months !