Throughout the UK

An interesting interpretation on a photograph published last week .. showing the lonely figure of Dominic ‘C’ taking his “walk of shame” having been ‘fired’ by a ‘strong’ Bo-Jo.
Or .. as interpreted by a film editor with some 45 years experience in the ‘trade’ .. strange that ..
- the camera is ‘dead centre’ to the doorway – a position never before tolerated by journalists eager to shout their important questions across the road at a retreating Jaguar
- he’s beautifully ‘lit’
- there are no staff there to ‘cheer him off’, or even hold the door open
- there’s not even a ‘copper’ on duty on the pavement (unheard of)and, if that weren’t enough to convince you that this wasn’t all ‘stage-managed – to the bitter end’ ..
- all that time with his own office and staff, and his life can fit into one cardboard box ?
- and he’s so ‘super-fit’ that he can carry that oh-so-heavy box all the way down
Downing Street and into Whitehall without breaking into a sweat ?
What do you think ?
It’s difficult these days to know who’s “running the country” .. ..
Is it .. Michael Gove .. expectantly
Rushi Sunak .. not impossibly
Dom. Cummings .. well, not at the moment (though so many newspapers ‘reliably’ informed us that he’d leave “at Christmas” ..
but then, Christmas can be a remarkably short time in politics)
Lee Cain .. Lee who ?
Boris Johnson .. formerly
Carrie Symonds .. definitely (remind me, someone .. she’s the elected representative for which constituency ?)
Oh, there’s this delightful piece of trivia on the papers .. in No. 10, behind her back, (obviously) .. she’s known as “Princess Nut Nuts”.
Says it all .. and wasn’t it President Nixon who said “.. forget ‘hearts and minds’ – when you’ve got them by the ba**s, their ‘hearts and minds’ will follow !
”Obviously works with Boris.
Well, Remembrance Sunday .. .. that was one to remember.
All (well, most) of the usual characters were there .. and Her Majesty (perched) on her balcony like some magnificent (Scottish ?) bird-of-prey, waiting for some minion to ‘fall-out-of-line’ so that she could pounce.
And who did ‘fall-out-of-line’, this year ?
Certainly not the Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward – 56) nor the Duke of Kent (Prince Michael), now showing his 78 years.
Noticeable by their absence were the Duke of York (a.k.a. Prince Andrew) presumably on the instructions of H.M. – and the Duke of Sussex (a.k.a. Prince (still) Harry) presumably on the instructions of H.M. (Her Meghanship).
So, ‘fallers’ who didn’t ‘come-up-to-scratch’.
Nearly falling out-of-line was Pasan Kularatne, a former Colonel in the Sri Lankan army, who was briefly taken ill but returned to complete the veterans’ march.
A soldier of the Scots Guards went the ‘whole hog’ and fainted, falling completely out-of-line and measuring his length; being promptly stretchered off.
The other person who fell (or rather, he was pushed-out-of-line) was an aged, lone, Scottish piper who, advancing menacingly against the serried ranks of the London Police carrying that most threatening of musical instruments, the bagpipes, was pushed to the ground by a ‘copper’ of probably fewer years service (and possibly of fewer years).
How ‘out-of-line’ was that ? Hardly the ‘appropriate’ and ‘measured’ response.
And what a warning to Covid deniers, given the headline that “Ministers warn lockdown flouters that the police are preparing to escalate their response !
”So they’re presumably using unarmed, retired musicians as a ‘warm-up’ training exercise for E.R. (that’s ‘Extinction Rebellion’ .. not ‘Her Majesty’).
[The Metropolitan Police have been contacted for their response.]
Here’s a ‘witty’ one .. .. (prepare for a premature ‘Christmas Cracker’ .. !) .. ..In Dickens’ time it was the ‘Spirit of Christmas’ that wanted to save Scrooge. These days, it’s Scrooge who’s trying to save the ‘Spirit of Christmas’ .. !!
“Boom – boom, Boris !”