Wyre Forest District Council

Council Offices:.Wyre Forest House Finepoint Way, Kidderminster, DY11 7WF

Democratic Structure (as of June 2019)

Cllr. Graham Ballinger

Leader of the Council& Cabinet Member for Strategy & Finance


  • Strategic Policy co-ordination
  • Nation & Regional influence
  • Finance & Audit 
  • Revenues & Benefits
  • Customer Services
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Communications & Branding – digital services
  • Legal Services
  • Emergency Planning
  • Partnerships – policy & performance
  • ‘Wyre Forest Forward
Cllr. Fran Oborski MBE

Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Economic Re generation, Planning & Capital Investments


  • Economic Development & Regeneration
  • Implementation of major regeneration projects
  • Development Management
  • Spacial Planning – (inc. Local Plan)
  • Land Charges
  • Building Control
  • Town Centres
  • Tourism
  • Customer Services
  • Capital Portfolio Fund – development loan fund
  • Building Maintenance – estate & facilities – (inc. Wyre Forest House)
Cllr. Nicky Martin

Cabinet Member for Housing, Health, Well-being & Democratic Services


Strategic housing, Private Sector housing, & Homelessness

  • Health & Well-being
  • Sustainability
  • Water Management
  • Democratic Services
  • Human Resources
  • Equality & Diversity
Cllr. Helen Dyke

Cabinet Member forCulture, Leisure &Community Protection


  • Cultural & Leisure Services
  • Countryside Services
  • Regulatory Services 
  • Community Safety 
  • Localism Agenda – asset transfers, relations with Parish Councils
  • Income Generation 
  • Safeguarding 
  • Relations with Voluntary Sector.
Cllr. John Thomas

Cabinet Member for Operational Services


  • Depot 2020 Project 
  • Parks & Open Spaces 
  • Grounds Maintenance 
  • Waste Reduction 
  • Refuse Collection & Recycling
  • Fleet Management 
  • Parking Services 
  • Cemeteries
  • Health & Safet

APPOINTMENTS & APPEALS                     Cllr Graham Ballinger                                    Cllr. Fran Oborski MBE

AUDIT                                                           Cllr. Alan Totty                                               Cllr. Sarah Rook

OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY                            Cllr. Marcus Hart                                            Cllr. Sally Chambers

LICENSING & ENVIRONMENTAL                Cllr. Peter Dyke                                              Cllr. Mary Rayner

Licensing Sub-committee                        Chaired by either of the above.

                                                                     A rota of 3 members of the above committee

PLANNING                                                   Cllr. Calne Edgington-White                         Cllr. John Aston

ETHICS & STANDARDS                               Cllr. Shazu Miah                                              Cllr. Anna L’Huillier

LOCAL PLANS REVIEW PANEL                   Cllr. Paul Harrison                                          Cllr. Mary Rayner

STRATEGIC REVIEW PANEL                        Cllr. Graham Ballinger                                   Cllr. Fran Oborski MBE


Chief Executive – Ian Miller

Key responsibilities: Head of the Council’s paid service and principal policy advisor to the Council, he Leads and directs a workforce of some 400 employees with a net budget of £12m)

Chairman – Cllr. Shazu Miah

Offmore & Comberton

Vice-Chairman – Cllr. Peter Young
